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I don’t need no stinkin husband

September 11, 2009

operationI know it’s not good grammar. Ok, so sue me but I’m irritated. And it seems to work for Emmalee when she gets fed up with her sisters not playing with her or generally not doing what she wants them to do.  

So why am I so fed up? Because there is so much I want to do in my house and I can’t get anyone to help me. I have tables that I want sanded and painted and banisters I need hung and a bathroom that just really needs some love. I have pictures I need hung, bookcases that need refurbished and a fireplace that is begging to be painted.

I have asked my dad. And I have asked my mom. I have asked my neighbor. And I have asked my best friend. They all gave me that fake “oh yeah, okay, sure I’ll will be fun!” But then they didn’t come. No one wants to help me! Tiffany put your hand down, you moved too far away and I’m still not over it.

I had a brand new vanity and sink top that sat in my hallway for a year. No kidding…a year. Until my sweet brother-in-law came to my house to install it while he and my sister and their family were here ON THEIR VACATION. Why did my b-i-l have to do this for me? Oh that’s because my dad just owns his own remodeling business and he can do anything. Oh wait.

And I make lots of excuses for not doing what I should just do my ownself! So I am! 

The first project is an old kitchen table that sits in my front room, covered with a tablecloth because it is so so ugly. I started stripping and sanding last night and I can’t wait to apply the first coat of turquoise paint I bought a few months ago for another project. I’m going to use the tablecloth to cover the chairs. I am! I am! I am! Sorry, just trying to motivate myself.  

ugly table

Ok I lied, this (below) was the first project. And it sat on my craft table for a year. No kidding….a year. But I finished it last night too! Yay me! Still motivating.

art 026

Yes I know it’s just scrapbook paper covered wooden letters, and yes I know everyone in the blogosphere has already done it, and yes I know it’s so 2008, but it’s a craft project, ok? And I finished it! And I even hung them on the wall above the chore board and it looks quite cute thankyouverymuch.

Oh wait – there’s the paint! That blue paint on the little round table. That’s the blue for the other table. Hmm how bout that. And that birdhouse….my nephew made for me with his own tools and smarts. He’s 8. 9? He’s young. And really talented in the woodworking department. And I guess I’ll go ahead and tell you that I have been planning to paint said birdhouse for months now and haven’t gotten to it. Imagine that.

So now about that fireplace…..I’m thinking orange. Really.

That’ll show my dad not to help me next time.


Sort of.

Stay tuned….I’ll post some pics of the table on Monday.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Aunt Pippy permalink
    September 15, 2009 11:49 am

    Love the letters! And I can’t wait to see the table!!!! Post the pictures already. You are the most creative person I know. You can do it!

    PS) My hand is up anyway. I’ d still help…it’d be fun. LOl

    You’re my biggest fan. It’s not the creativity I lack. It’s the time and energy. And I know you would help. Kinda my biggest argument for why you should move home already! 🙂

  2. September 16, 2009 11:48 pm

    Yea for turquoise paint!

    I couldn’t do jack without Mr. Mom. And yes I thank my lucky stars for him. He swears every time I ask him to do something for me (hanging pictures and curtains really bring out the bear in him), but he does it.

    Just keep motivating. Who cares if it takes a year? Or two? Beats 10, right?

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