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Characters In My Life Story

the artistic onethe artistic one 

she is my oldest daughter. her name is olivia. born on a monday. at 10:15pm. she has red hair and freckles. she is artistic and creative. she is quiet and reserved. she gets her feelings hurt easily. she does not laugh often but when she does it makes your heart melt. she is growing up very fast. she colors and draws me pictures everyday of my life. she is the big sister. she has responsibilities. she helps me stay grounded. she is wonderful.


the one in the middle

she is my middle daughter. her name is Corina, Cori for short. she was born on a saturday. 3 saturdays too early. at 4:25pm. she has beautiful eyes. she still sucks her thumb. she is quiet and to herself. she likes tv. she is stubborn. she likes to sing and dance. she plays dollhouse with her baby sister. she loves cantaloupe. she sleepwalks. she is funny without trying to be funny. she is lefthanded. she has the greatest little giggle.


the noodle

noodle is a nickname. she is very skinny. her real name is Emmalee, after my great grandma Emma. she is the baby of the bunch. she was born on a wednesday. the day before thanksgiving. she is funny and talkative. she asks great questions. she loves her babydolls. she has adhd. she struggles. she makes me worry. her smile spreads across her whole face. she has taught me very much. she is the baby. what more can i say.


the partridge family my sister’s family

years ago my sister and her husband and my oldest nephew moved to the middle of nowhere ten hours away Wisconsin. while i was too busy being completely selfish and 20 years old at the time to really notice, as the years came and went she became my best friend and i now miss her every day. below are her beautiful children and a little about why they are so special to me.


the princess

the little girl my sister prayed for. her name is Hannah. she loves bubble gum and lipgloss and strawberry shortcake. she is a miniature version of my sister with beautiful blue eyes and a warm smile. she hosts a mean tea party and absolutely relishes in being the only little girl at home. she is five days younger than my youngest daughter. she is sweet and kind and has the cutest voice. i love to hear her call me aunt dee dee.



little big man

this is my handsome oldest nephew, Isaac. he has a quiet spirit and a quick wit. he was the first baby i ever saw being born. he is superman in pajamas on the couch. he loves to read and is a great cook. he plays football with the heart of a kid three times his size. he is smart and thoughtful. my sister and brother-in-law have raised him to be such a good young man. he will make someone a wonderful husband one day.


the other one in the middle

this is my sister’s middle child, Isaiah bobaya. no his middle name is not bobaya but it is so fun to say. say it. see. he is so sweet and so much like my middle child it is scary. they have a special connection. he loves trucks and drills and all things boy. he was a sickly baby and worried us all. he is healthy and happy and i am so glad he is here.


Ward and June

this is my sister, Tiffany (Aunt Pippy) and her husband Brett.

my sister is supermom. she homeschools and does things just to make me look bad. like never forgets a birthday and makes thoughtful handmade Christmas presents, and bakes her neighbors cookies. okay, so maybe she does those things, not to make me look bad, but because she is kind and genuine and lives to serve the Lord. she is a good friend, she is a good wife, she is a good mom and she is the BEST sister.

God sent her a wonderful man named Brett when my oldest nephew was a baby. they married and had two more beautiful children and he has become the father to my niece and nephews i could only wish for my own. he has a troubled past but loves the lord and takes care of my sister and their kids, which is all that matters to me.


everyone should have some of these

this is my Big Papaw, Bill and my mamaw, Kati. they are the picker-uppers of sick kids at school, the mcdonald’s gift card buyers, the guaranteed attendees at every birthday party and holiday get-together, they are the tellers of stories and the biggest supporters of one very scatterbrained and mothering-challenged single mom of three little girls. they have also been married for 56 years. my mamaw is losing her memory and she makes me worry. she calls me her favorite and makes the best vegetable soup ever. my papaw loves my little brown babies with all his soul and always calls me to come over when he makes biscuits and gravy. they use the key to my house to sneak in and do my laundry for me while i am at work. every mother should have a couple of grandparents like these. i can’t imagine what my life will be without them.


the ‘rents

these are my parents, Mark and Kim. they are my biggest fans and nana and lil pap to my girls. they have paid my bills saved my life when i really needed to be saved more times than i can count. they cheer me on and kick me in the pants when i really need it. they have been married for 35 years and put great amounts of energy into being the best parents and grandparents you can imagine. i can call them for children’s tylenol, gas money, cooking tips, advice and i am convinced my dad can answer any question that starts with the words “How do i ……” they are the smartest two people i know and have made me who i am today, which ain’t half bad.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. dayspringdawning permalink
    January 10, 2008 7:15 pm

    Oh my, what beautiful girls! 🙂

  2. June 17, 2008 4:46 pm

    Sounds like a GREAT family! 🙂

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