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A Little Bit About Us


this is basically my life. these three little girls that each respectively came into my life at exactly the right time. i may not have thought so at the time considering i was too busy crying and wandering what on earth i had done to myself.

the first 6 months of the noodle’s life i spent walking around in a state of shock and stupor.

i raise these little girls alone. i am trying my best to teach them to be ladies, although i must admit i have no idea what i am doing.

we spend alot of time coloring and being creative, baking and crafting, and most importantly volunteering.

i love the smell of them right out of the bathtub and of fresh cut grass (that my neighbor cuts for me – i have the single mother in despair act down to a science)

i make really good chili and i don’t let my kids win at board games.

i love to read and watch football. i love the snow but not winter.

living a life with 3 kids, 2 jobs and a dog proves to be challenging and tiring but fun and rewarding.

i started this blog as a living scrapbook for my girls. i plan to log each of their little lives as they grow making sure to embarass them accordingly, with accompanying pictures, of course.

it will soon become clear that i am a big kid myself, using dry wit and humor to convince myself there is always a funnier side to life (and to hopefully keep myself from jumping off the nearest bridge)

i have learned more being a single mom than i learned in all my years of school.

i am a little all over the place – smart, but a bit of an airhead. i go with the flow, choose my battles and procrastinate like it is my job. i love the simple things in life and can’t decide what i wanna be when i grow up.

my grandma says i have a free spirit, my dad says i need to grow up.

i love coffee and i love pizza but most importantly i just love my kids.

this is our story.


2 Comments leave one →
  1. April 22, 2008 8:44 pm

    Hey there! Great to hear from you. Your kids look very sweet. I feel for you and your discription of your life. Several little comments you made really had me laughing. Glad to know I’m not the only one who feels like jumping off a bridge every once in a while. Hehe! The joys of motherhood, right?! Glad you have a way to keep memories and such for your kids online. That’s the only scrapbook my kids will prob. every have. Thanks for your sweet comment about my hubby. I know he has appreciated your comments on his blog and has mentioned you before. Glad I finally got a chance to check out your blog and see your family. Take care. Liz Dixon

  2. justjuli permalink
    June 25, 2008 3:25 am

    Stumbled on to this through beanpaste and bossy. You really have a knack for telling stories. I especially like how your oldest daughter bought the ice creams for everyone after working hard in the yard with her grandpa.
    It’s tough being a single mom, but you can’t beat the rewards! Keep up the good work.
    Living, loving, laughing,

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