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Me: The Reader’s Digest Edition

I was told recently by a seasoned blogger that I should have a “100 things about me” list so that people could get to know me without having to read my whole blog. Not real sure how I felt about that but I thought it may be fun. Now I actually have to do it and I am worried that I may not know 100 things about me. I am really not that deep. But here goes:

1. I was born, raised and currently reside still in KY.

2. That first one may give you pre-conceived notions about me. I am a hillbilly but not a redneck. Yes there is a difference.

3. I am so moody that sometimes it feels like I have multiple personalities.

4. I sometimes lay in bed at night and think about what I would do with the money that I would win if I ever went on Deal or No Deal.

5. I also sometimes hide cookies from my kids in the cabinet with the extra pots and pans. They have never figured it out.

6. I love my girls to pieces and would never ever replace them or regret them but I wanted a son so badly that I cried when I told my doctor that I wanted to get my tubes tied. He said, No I don’t really think you do. I got an IUD instead.

7. I have had 4 cars in the last 5 years.

8. I once had a pet pig named Jobi and I use to walk him on a leash.

9. My very first crush ever was on Michael Jackson. Ew.

10. I get bored easily. Wow – I am only on 10?

11. Sometimes I listen to Kids Pop on internet radio while I am at work. Hannah Montana, High School Musical, yeah, all of that.

12. When I was a kid I wanted to be a Marine Biologist until I found out I would have to move away. (Hint: There are no oceans in KY)

13. I once followed my sister around the neighborhood on my bicycle with a dead snake in a pillow case.

14. I was robbed by gunpoint once by two thugs that broke into my apartment when I was 20 years old. I didn’t tell my parents for 2 months.

15. One time I stole a pack of Chiclets from Kroger and my mom made me go back into the store and give it back to the security guard. I thought they were going to take me to jail.

16. When I was 10 years old I spent the weekend with my aunt and cousins. My cousin Sherry told me that Jesus would come like a thief in the night. I didn’t sleep for 3 days.

17. I think I am addicted to Chocolate. If I go a whole day without it I get a migraine. See I love it so much, to me it merits a capital letter.

18. I once cooked a chicken from the deli at Kroger. The ones that are pre-cooked and you just put it in the oven. My boyfriend thought it was so good and just kept raving about it. Being that he is a Chef I felt very proud that he liked it so much. He never knew I didn’t cook it myself until my sister spilled the beans at a picnic at my parents over the summer. He still gives me a hard time about that one.

19. On my senior trip my best friend and I split from the group and got lost. When we finally found our way back to the hotel, the chaperone was at the front desk getting ready to call the police. Never told my parents about that one. Sorry mom.

20. I first learned to change a flat tire when I came home an hour late from curfew and tried to use that as my excuse. I told my dad my friend John changed it for me when he asked. He told me that he was glad John was there to help me but that he guessed I better learn to change one myself. He made me learn to change a tire at 12:30 at night in the cold and he made me hold the flashlight the WHOLE time. It took me years to realize he knew I was full of bologna and he was trying to teach me a lesson.

21. I love the smell of fresh cut grass and clean sheets straight from the dryer.

22. I had one sister growing up and now have three daughters. I know nothing about boys.

23. At any given moment in time, I have at least 12 craft projects started and/or in progress.  

24. I did not have my first cavity until I was 22  years old. It was a bad cavity and I had to have the tooth pulled. I will be forever traumatized by that experience.

25. I am deathly scared of heights. When I was in college my roommates and I lived on the 4th floor. It was months before I stepped foot on the balcony.

26. When I was a little girl I had a friend named Howie that I played with every single day at the babysitters house. One summer day he fell from his second story bedroom window and was in a vegetative state. I think we were 4 or 5 at the time. I missed him very much so my mother had someone make me a doll that looked exactly like him. I carried that doll everywhere but somehow lost it when we moved to the country.

27. At one point I had every single Michael Jackson album. Yes, album.

28. When me and my first serious boyfriend broke up in high school, I slept with my mom for a week. I would wait until my dad left for work early in the morning and then sneak in his spot.

29. When I was pregnant with my oldest daughter, Olivia, I ate a bag of M&Ms and drank a Strawberry Kiwi Snapple every. single. day.

30. On my senior trip I ate something bad and then went on the subway. As soon as we got off I threw up all over the landing. Nearly every single person that signed my yearbook mentioned that fun little incident so I could forever be known as the girls that blew chunks all over the NY City subway. Isn’t that nice?

31. If I didn’t dye my hair I would be a totally grey headed 27 year old.

32. Sometimes when I am reading an article online silently to myself, I will make myself read it as if I am reporting it and I will speak slowly and with meaning like the folks on CNN. Sometimes I try it with a British accent. Just call me Brit Brit – but don’t call me an ambulance!


 To be continued…….

4 Comments leave one →
  1. April 18, 2008 4:37 am

    Looking forward to the rest of the list.

    Has it occurred to you that #25 might be influenced by #26?

  2. September 15, 2008 9:50 pm

    Thoroughly enjoyed this and laughed out loud at #16!!!!! Get crackin on the rest will ya? 🙂

  3. September 26, 2008 8:15 pm

    Michael Jackson? of all people!?

    I’m mandythompson.
    I’m so confused over at my blog right now. But wanted to say thank you for stopping by.

  4. September 27, 2008 7:33 pm

    I FOUND YOU! Don’t think I’m a stalker, but I went through Shannon’s comments to try & find you cuz you didn’t link your blog on the comment you left on my blog. Whew.

    Your girls are beautiful! Thanks for leaving a comment. I’ll have to take some time & read through your posts to get to know you better.

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